Private Home Insurance

Claim Private Home Insurance Claim Flow Immediately notify the authorities (fire fight, hospital, police …) for assistance With your ability, take appropriate measures to minimize losses and prevent further losses Immediately notify to United Insurance Company (UIC) as soon as a problem is detected via hotline Prepare necessary documents and fill out the claim form […]
Healthcare Insurance

Claim Healthcare Insurance Claim flow Client visiting doctor and collecting document Client submit claim document to claim handling unit (TPA) TPA sends notification on claim receiving (to sufficient docs) or notification on additional document requirement (to insufficient docs) TPA handles the claim and sends notification of claim solution (to the claim under coverage) or notification […]
Liability Insurance

Claim Liability Insurance Claim Flow Contact us 24/7 by hotline or email to send the loss notification. Make a police report if the loss or damage is due to theft or burglary Take necessary steps to minimise further loss or damage. Take photographs of the damaged items and retain the items for our inspection. You […]
Worker’s compensation Insurance

Claim Worker’s compensation Insurance Claim flow Loss Notice: Announce the accident situation and information of the Insured via hotline Submit claim forms with medical/hospital documents: After completing treatment, the Insured need to prepare a complete set of all treatment documents that have arisen and submit to UIC’s office After getting approval on the claim adjustment, […]
Personal Accident Insurance

Claim Personal Accident Insurance Claim flow Loss Notice: Announce the accident situation and information of the Insured via hotline Submit claim forms with medical/hospital documents: After completing treatment, the Insured need to prepare a complete set of all treatment documents that have arisen and submit to UIC’s office After getting approval on the claim adjustment, […]
Cargo Insurance

Claim Cargo Insurance Claim Flow Contact us 24/7 by hotline or email to send the loss notification. Make a police report if the loss or damage is due to theft or burglary Take necessary steps to minimise further loss or damage. Take photographs of the damaged items and retain the items for our inspection. You […]
Travel Insurance- Travel Joy

Claim Travel Insurance- Travel Joy Claim Flow Loss NoticeIn the event of an accident/loss that may lead to a Claim, the Insured must notify to United Insurance Company (UIC) within 30 days (by fax or email or phone) Submit claim forms with documents Receive compensation Claim documents list: – Compensation claim form (UIC form)– Copy […]
Property Insurance

Claim Property Insurance Claim flow Contact us (from Monday to Friday) during working hours by hotline or email to send the loss notification. Make a police report if the loss or damage is due to theft or burglary Take necessary steps to minimise further loss or damage. Take photographs of the damaged items and retain […]
Engineering Insurance

Claim Engineering Insurance Claim Flow Contact us 24/7 by hotline or email to send the loss notification. Make a police report if the loss or damage is due to theft or burglary Take necessary steps to minimise further loss or damage. Take photographs of the damaged items and retain the items for our inspection. You […]