Hospital Cash Insurance


Hospital Cash Insurance

Claim Flow

Client has treatment and prepares claim document

Client sends images of document to UIC via apps or email address:

UIC sends notification of claim receiving (if claim docs is sufficient) or notification of additional document requirement (if claim docs is insufficient)


Client sends hard copy


UIC handles the claim and sends notification of claim solution


UIC transfers reimbursed amount to registered bank account in claim form

Required Claim Document:

Common document:

– Compensation claim form (UIC form)
– Copy of CCCD
– Copy of insurance certificate
– Hospital checkout
– Surgery certificate (in case of surgery)
– Summary of medical history
– Conversion invoice
– List of treatment costs
– Accident report
– Driver’s license (in case of accident while driving)
-Excerpt of death certificate (in case of death)
– Certificate of inheritance rights and authorization to receive money (in case of death)
– Other documents upon request depending on the case.

*For claim payment timeline: 15 days from the date of receipt of complete and valid original documents for claim and insurance payment.

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