Personal Accident Insurance


Personal Accident Insurance


Claim flow

Loss Notice: Announce the accident situation and information of the Insured via hotline

Submit claim forms with medical/hospital documents: After completing treatment, the Insured need to prepare a complete set of all treatment documents that have arisen and submit to UIC's office

After getting approval on the claim adjustment, you will receive your claim payment from us

Claim document list

-Compensation claim form (UIC form)
-Copy of ID card / CCCD / Passport / Birth certificate
-Conversion invoices pay for medical and surgical expenses incurred during the process
treatment process.
-Documents proving medical and surgical expenses incurred during the period
treatment process such as: medical records, prescriptions, test results,
X-ray, detailed statement of hospital fees (in case of hospitalization).
hospital)…These documents must have the hospital’s seal
– Hospital discharge papers (in case of inpatient treatment) and/or
Doctor’s appointment on medical examination book or leave certificate
Social insurance (in case of outpatient treatment).
-Labor contract/appendix/payroll at the time of the accident
Compensation cases related to salary (if required)
-Timesheet signed and stamped for confirmation
– Minutes of occupational accident investigation
-Police records, confirmation from authorities or related parties
about the case (if requested)
-Driver’s license (depending on the case)
-Death certificate (in case of death).
-Other documents upon request depending on the case

*For claim payment timeline: 15 days from the date of receipt of complete and valid original documents for claim and insurance payment

Contact Information:

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