Cargo Insurance


Cargo Insurance

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Claim Flow

Contact us 24/7 by hotline or email to send the loss notification. Make a police report if the loss or damage is due to theft or burglary

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Take necessary steps to minimise further loss or damage. Take photographs of the damaged items and retain the items for our inspection.

You may download a copy of claim form or request for the form to be sent to you Submit all necessary documents, information for our claim adjustment

After getting approval on the claim adjustment, you will receive your claim payment from us

Claim document list

-Loss notification letter (UIC form)
-Formal complaint letter (UIC form)
-Set of shipping documents (Invoice, Delivery note, original Bill of Lading and back of Bill, Contract)
– Minutes of handover between relevant parties.
-Photos of damage
-Police records, scene records in case of traffic accidents
-Quality inspection minutes.
– Cancellation record
-Other documents upon request depending on the case

*For claim payment timeline: 15 days from the date of receipt of complete and valid original documents for claim and insurance payment

Contact Information:

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