
“After the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak, the Vietnamese government ordered many local businesses to ‘temporarily stop operations’ or to apply the ‘3-onsite’ operations to curb the spread of virus. For those affected facilities, they are more likely to sustain damage during the shutdown period and when the premises are restarted, if appropriate control measures are not adopted.

UIC would like to offer some constructive recommendations/ advices to our clients to minimize the risks during lockdown situation. It is crucial to comply with instructions and guidelines by the respective original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and the local authorities.”

Loss Prevention Measures

“3-Onsite” Factory

1.Prohibit personal cooking activities on site.

2.The employee’s resting and living space should be separated from the warehouse/production areas. This includes a separated storage for personal items such as blankets, pillows, and clothes…

3.Implement the following fire safety precautions if alcohol-based (flammable) disinfectants, such as hand sanitizers are used:

3.1 Store or use disinfectants away from ignition source

3.2 Dispose wipe/waste rags in normally closed, metal containers

3.3 Secure flammable liquids in approved safety cabinets or cut-off rooms

Unoccupied Factory(During Shutdown Period)

  1. Ensure that plant machinery needed to protect the buildings and contents are in working condition and remain in service to provide continuous monitoring of the idle premises. These would include fire protection, security, surveillance and alarm systems
  2. Other non-essential utilities and equipment should be turned off, following normal shutdown procedures. Turn off all power and unplug all unnecessary electrical outlets. These actions could lower the risks of unintended incidents.
  3. Remove combustible yard storage, empty waste containers and lock/secure window and door openings to prevent unauthorized entry
  4. If security guards or maintenance staff are allowed to legally remain on (or visit) the site, schedule periodic patrols daily so that they can promptly notify management flor timely corrective action if abnormal conditions are detected

Unoccupied Factory(During Startup Period)

  1. Develop a strategy and form a ‘reopening’ team with defined roles and responsibilities. Discuss with team members and if necessary, with outside specialist contractors to:

    1.1 Identify critical parameter, safeguards and to re-familiarize with original equipment manufacturers’ (OEM) manuals and recommendations.

    1.2 Review emergency action plans as changes may be required to suit local regulatory restrictions on staggered work hours, split team arrangement and safe distancing

  2. Inspect premises for evidence of new exposures introduced during the idle period. These could include deterioration and damage to machines, equipment, roofs and building caused by water leakage or weather related perils. Check fences, gates doors and windows for signs of vandalism/malicious damage which may indicate illegal entry.
  3. Ensure that fire protection, monitoring and alarm systems are working normally.
  4. Only competent persons should turn on equipment or restart processes. Follow OEM’s instructions such as cleaning and lubrication. Perform test runs in non-production mode to confirm that safety controls and devices are working correctly as designed. After start up, closely monitor for abnormal conditions including circuit breaker trip, heating, sparking, vibration, noise, or odour.
  5. Verify that equipment related to flammable liquid or other hazardous materials are working properly and their safeguards such as ventilation, safety cans, bonding, grounding, containment, etc. are in good operating condition.
  6. Implement the following fire safety precautions if alcohol-based (flammable) disinfectants, such as hand sanitizers are used:6.1 Store or use disinfectants away from ignition source

    6.2 Dispose wipe/waste rags in normally closed, metal   containers

    6.3 Secure flammable liquids in approved safety   cabinets or cut-off rooms

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