From the second quarter of 2022, when life backed to normal after Covid-19, the RE (risk engineering) team immediately restarted site survey activities. And now the whole team is operating at 100% our capability and even more to meet the order needs from MKT depts. and Underwriting dept.
Site survey is the main work task of RE team, surveyor goes to clients’ premises to conduct loss prevention as an added-value service to our clients and also to collect information for underwriting purpose. During the peak period of Covid-19 pandemic in the last two and a half years, we have changed working ways and enforced to maintain our service by replacing site surveys with remote/online surveys. Anyway, these were just temporary measures and they could not completely substitute for actual site visit. When surveying at site, it is not just seeing and listening, surveyors could even “feeling” and “smelling” the risk, which is impossible when surveying via phone interview or video camera.
Besides, some specific survey activities in collaboration with Sompo sisters and/or third parties have also resumed such as Honda Auto dealer survey program, survey by Seiko Electric for clients who have a high potential of electric fire, and labor working safety for some important/prospect accounts. We expect that these services could reduce potential losses to clients and claim paid by UIC in the future.
In the Vietnam insurance market, UIC is known to have a very strict risk control policy, so there is a large number of clients who needs to be surveyed or evaluated. And among the Sompo sisters in Southeast Asia region, UIC is also known on top number of survey per engineer. Despite dealing with a considerable amount of work load, our working motto has always to ensure all of risk surveys is done with a guarantee of quality and time, to maximize the support for MKT/UW department to get more “good” accounts, and to have effective loss prevention/ loss control activities.
We aim and do hope to increase business opportunities for UIC by providing high quality risk engineering services to clients and by gradually expanding the type of services which could offer to them.