Next year, 2023, we’ll mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Japan.
A lot of activities to celebrate this anniversary from late 2022 to the end of 2023 are now being planned between both country. The 50th anniversary logo design contest has started.The logo will be used in various scene such as anniversary event and PR.
If you have any creative idea on that, it would be much appreciated to join this contest!!

Each individual, each group submits only 1, The organizers will not return the submitted logo.
Everyone regardless of nationality, age, occupation.
Please include below – Letter title: “This is for the application for the logo design contest celebrating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Vietnam and Japan diplomatic relations”. – Full name or name of the group registration in the content of the email.
In the ceremony planned in September 2022. A certificate of commendation and some memorial gift will be presented. |